Powerful Strategies for Business
One of the most powerful strategies that one can implement in their business in the current ultra-competitive environment is not more marketing. Advertising costs are definitely increasing (check out your Adwords or Facebook accounts if you don’t believe us), and the (very few in an ocean of hyped up trash) new tricks that yield big returns are not on the radar or poorly implemented by most business owners. Or by the time they get to find out everybody else is already there too. There are still some though (that will be covered later) and promoting and marketing are still of course essential…
Over the last few days as we were preparing for our Business Growth Blueprint one day training (an exclusive invitation only all day training) to update documents, some of the best stuff that has helped many of our clients skyrocket despite the challenging environment we realised that everyone else just focuses on marketing more when this is not really the only and best answer.
What we found to be a real game changer now is not what every other man and his dog does, predominantly send scattered dollars all over the place and multiply activity to get more mediocre results and multiply channels to make small gains add up (usually while creating more work and not increasing your profits in proportion).